There Must Be Something Wrong With Me
I talked to him for a few minutes Monday. He said that he missed me too. I told him I love him and he said that he loves me back. I know that there is no way for us to go back in time nor is there anyway that we can ever be together (at least not that I can see), but I can't help but hope. I hope that he really does think about me. I hope that he really is still in love with me. I have wishes as well. I wish that we could be together. I wish that I could lie in his arms. More than anything, I wish that we could just have some time together to talk.
I started another blog...just for me and him, hoping and wishing that one day we will get another chance. So Charles, if you're reading and you're interested, then click here and let me know.
Can't stop
Phone sex is HOT!
After the phone sex this morning, I am now hornier than I was before it happened. I knew that would be the result. I can go a while without sex, but once I cum, I crave it....my pussy throbs, I cum out of the blue (at a red light, walking through the grocery store, cooking dinner). So, I'm restless as hell right now., but I'll be okay. Did I mention this morning was HOT? LOL!!! My Sir's reactions to me were awesome. I'm all about pleasing the person I'm with. So, if I feel like they are enjoying the moment it's SO much better for me. And, I loved listening to him...talking to me, calling me his little girl and his bitch, encouraging me to cum over and over and over again, him cumming on his end. The words were all a blur afterwards, but the feeling was best thing in the world.
Jay asked me the other day if I had talked to Melanie lately. I told him no and at some point in the conversation he said that he didn't think I really like women. It kinda caught me off guard (just because I wasn't expecting him to say that), but I told him that I don't like women. They get on my nerves. I like to fuck them, but I have no desire to talk to them or form a friendship. As I was telling him this, it hit me how true that is. Every woman that I have ever been with has been someone Jay knew first. I like it that way. The only one that I've had any kind of friendship with was the girlfriend and I think that was only because I thought she would be around as part of the family. Anyway, I plan on calling Melanie tomorrow, just to keep the lines of communication open.
Jay changed his mind the other day and told me to go on and see Reginald. I declined....just figured it would cause way too many issue. He asked me today if PD and I were starting back up (because we were talking on the phone). I told him that I didn't think we were. His response was...I hope not. When I asked why, he said he didn't want to talk about it. So, I just let it go.
There's a lot I don't NEED
Reginald asked me to come over tomorrow. So, I asked Jay if that was okay. Of course, that led to a whole conversation about why I even need to go over there. Somewhere in there he threw in that he knows I have (physical) needs, so I should just go and if he couldn't deal with it, I would just have to understand. Then, he brought up how things used to be about us and now they're not. (The same argument I have been giving him since he first decided to start his relationship with his girlfriend a couple of years ago.) To top all of that off, he started talking about how I do stuff with Reginald that I don't do with him.
Okay, now I'm a little pissed. No, I do not NEED to go see Reginald. I do feel like I should because when I do want to see him, unless he's out of town, he sees me. Jay says that he has a lot on his mind and I'm just adding to his issues. I told him that he needs to be honest then and tell me that he doesn't want me to see anyone because, like I've always said, the whole back-and-forth gets on my damn nerves.
TMI Tuesday

Have you ever...
1. been married? yes
2. been divorced? been remarried? yes and yes
3. had sex at a wedding reception? no
4. had sex with someone you first met at a wedding or wedding reception? no
5. given a a toast to the bride and groom? no
It's funny that today's TMI questions are about marriage. My anniversary was this past Saturday. Jay and I have been married 11 years.
Since the questions were a little on the boring side, I thought I'd add a wedding dance video. Here ya go...
He just doesn't get it
TMI Tuesday

Have you ever...
1. had sex with someone ten years older or younger than you?
2. drawn from a nude model or been a nude model?
do photos count? if so, yes i have.
3. had sex at a company Christmas party?
4. had a blind date?
5. slept with a teacher?
a teacher, but not my own teacher
Bonus (as in optional): had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them?
Rough Sex
That's my thought for today. I'm horny and I want someone to pull my hair, throw me against the wall, pull my clothes off, and take the pussy. I want to be spanked and choked and put to bed. I don't think that's a lot to ask, but apparently I'm wrong.

Touch the Darkness
OK...Now, I'm Scared
my Sir: So cum
Me: I will later, but not the way I want to.
my Sir: And what way is that?
Me: I want it to be taken
my Sir: If I were there I would
Me: I know you would
my Sir: You deserve a good beatdown fuck
Me: What the heck is that?
my Sir: When I am in that mood, its a three-hole fuck
Me: Yep...I knew I should be scared. Though I've been there/done that, I envision it being on a whole other level with you.
my Sir: Imma make you sign a waiver...lol
Me: The thing is...I know you're serious and it scare the crap outta me, but I am so turned on right now.
my Sir: You need to be scared, LG. You have this thing going on where Jay, Charles, and Reginald let you run around willy nilly. They don't get it. You are the type of woman that responds to her hair being pulled and being owned sexually. You want to be respected but treated like a slut and owned like a whore.
Me: Well, Charles is gone, but yeah...I see your point. lol
my Sir: You know what I mean. You LOVE being a slut...it makes you feel good.
Me: You know me too well.
my Sir: You haven't properly been used Little Girl.
Me: I agree with you.
my Sir: I can see you at a party and being my personal sex toy...make you suck and fuck whomever I want.
Me: I have no issues being your sex toy as long as I get to have you as well.
my Sir: The first and last at the least
There really is nothing that I can add. The conversation says it all. He will be holding a swingers party later this year and I am SO hoping that I will be able to attend. The whole idea is scary, intriguing, and thoroughly exciting.
TMI Tuesday - Dating Edition

1. What was the last movie you saw on a date?
2. What was the last meal you had on a date?
Let's see...stuffed mushrooms. We stopped at a bar before coming home. I was hungry so I had an appetizer with my drinks.
3. When was the last time you made out in the car on a date? More?
Hmmm...I think the last time I made out in a car was with Charles but we weren't technically in the car. He met me for a quick bite one evening. He walked me to my truck. I was sitting inside and he was standing in the open door.
As for more...I'm pretty sure it was with Jay a few months ago.
4. When using dating websites, do you think you are more likely to find a "hook up" or a relationship? Relationship...although, it may mot be a full-blown "feelings" relationship. When I meet people, we typically become friends and stay that way even if we decide to not see one another anymore. Assuming Charles sticks with what he said about us not being friends, he would be the first guy that I've been with and had absolutely no contact with afterwards.
None at all
BONUS QUESTION: Do you believe in sex on the first date? Can a relationship bloom if you have sex on the first date?
I sure do!!! :)
Jay and I had sex on our first date so I'd have to say yes.
Still Crying

I've been crying since since Friday when I had my very short phone conversation with Charles. I'm just devastated. I only had sex with Melanie in the hopes that it would lead to her having a threesome with me and Charles. He doesn't believe that, but it's true. I'm not attracted to her like that so Friday was all about finding out how far and how willingly she would go. If I had even an inkling that Charles would have a problem with it, I never would have even gone out with her. I should have just stayed home that night and waited in hope that Charles could get free and see me.
I'm just so miserable. I don't feel like doing anything. I even had a brief second where I thought about slitting my wrist. I know y'all don't know me like that, but don't worry...I don't do pain. It's just that the thought has occurred to me that I will never again be that happy...not even with Jay. I know that sounds bad, but Jay and I are just different (and that's a different post for a different day). Right now, I just want Charles back.
There is a part of me that wants to call his wife up and tell her EVERYTHING. That's how hurt I am and we all know there is nothing like a woman scorned. I'm trying really hard to fight the urge. Hopefully, I can hold off. There really is nothing good that can come of it other than some slight satisfaction in being vengeful. I just hurt so bad...
On a different note (slightly), Jay has noticed how moody I've been yesterday and today. He left Charles a message yesterday about them meeting. When I found out, I told him that Charles had no interest in seeing me anymore so not to worry about. He finally asked what was going on. When I told him that Charles was upset about the weekend, he couldn't believe it. He felt like if anyone should have been upset, it was him. Charles is not romantically involved with Melanie. Her joining us was just a hope that we shared. Plus, like I said above, he has never had an issue with anything or anyone that I do. So, once again...it just doesn't make sense.
Hopefully, Charles will contact me and I can get some kind of resolution. I doubt if he will though. I get a feeling that this relationship will always be left with no closure (again, another first for me courtesy of Charles).

Oh, the Possibilities
Letting go
2+1 = FUN!
Side note to Charles...Before anything happened, Melanie made it perfectly clear that if she ate my pussy, I could not tell you. So, if you're reading (and I know you are), KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!! I'm sure you know why.
Jay's Efforts
On another note...I've been thinking a lot lately about how I got to where I am. How did I end up in love with Charles? I have rules and I broke them. It was never my intention to do so. It just kinda happened. I was driving in the car the other day and Beyonce's song, Halo, came on and I had an OMG moment...that is exactly how I feel. I love my Baby, Charles! "Every rule I had you're breaking"
Yes, I Really Did Cry
Sunshine: I have a secret to tell you...come close.
Charles: what is it?
Sunshine: You're going to marry me...even if it's unofficially. So, maybe I should actually say you are going to make a commitment to be with me.
Sunshine: DAMN!!! Scared him away!
Charles: I want to marry you...did you know that?
Sunshine: really?
Charles: look who stopped whispering...
Charles: yes, I do
Charles: what do you think?
Sunshine: I had already changed my font back...lol
Sunshine: I'm shocked. Why do you want to?
Sunshine: I was serious about what I said, but I was kinda thinking you had to get to that point...maybe in a couple of years.
Charles: I can see myself being happy with you
Sunshine: but what makes you think you'd be happy?
Charles: I know you're lifestyle and I think about the things that Jay is not comfortable with
Charles: those are the things that turn me on
Charles: I know what makes you happy and I just know you're getting what makes you happy...in turn satisfies me
Charles: I murdered that sentence
Charles: never mind
Sunshine: lol
Charles: kids are pulling on me as I'm typing
Charles: you know what I'm trying to say!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunshine: I think I understood.
Charles: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles: that's funny
Sunshine: ok, be back...I gotta go cry. You make me all sappy and crap...ugh!
Sunshine: doesn't help Lenny Williams* is playing right now.
Charles: I love you Baby...
Charles: I want you...
Charles: I need you...
Charles: marry me one day...
Charles: I'll be back in a little while Baby...think about it...
Charles has signed out. (5/14/2009 2:56 PM)
I'm Not Telling
I did see Charles. I got a text from Melanie when I was on my way over there. She said that she was coming, but then changed her mind. Oh well...maybe one day. As for my time with Charles, it was wonderful. There was sex and cuddling and talking and more sex and sleeping and more sex and then he threw me out and sent me back home. (He didn't really throw me out, but I know he's reading and he'll get the joke.)
TMI Tuesday
From my mom, I can get along with just about anyone regardless of the background, race, socio-economic level, etc. I think I have my dad's temper, but I've been working on that and it's gotten better.
2. Which traits from you/your partner do you see in your children (if you don't have kids, which would you like to see)?
Physically, all of my kids look like me. They are all inquisitive and have a thirst for knowledge. As for the not-so-good character traits, they sometimes have smart mouths and can be impatient.
3. How did you get the birds-and-bees talk?
I never got that talk. My grandmother tried to have it with me when I was around 12. It was too late by then. I told her I already knew, so she asked me to tell her what it was I thought I knew. So, I did. That was the end of the talk.
4. What was your favorite childhood book?
Peter's Chair by Ezra Jack Keats and The Pokey Little Puppy
5. What is your favorite piece of erotic literature?
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A. N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice)
Bonus: What is the one thing you wish you could go back and tell yourself as a child?
Explore different professional options, girl!!!
Double Bonus: If your life were a book or movie, what would the title be?
Just Me, Drama-free
While the Cats Away
Of course, I will be back with details as soon as possible.
HNT - The Eyes Have It
TMI Tuesday
Yes...Hentai Movie Planet...If you're into hentai it's worth it.
2. Would you rather watch a erotic/porn movie, read a story, or listen to an audio? Why?
Read a story...the mental picture I get in my head turns me on more than anything else.
3. If you have a significant other what do you do for each other to get in the mood? If you don't what would you kind of thing could a future potential long term partner do to get you in the mood?
I'm real flirty so I'll flirt with him or rub up against him to try to get a rise (pun intended). He has a few tricks to get me hot, but I won't post those. They're just between us.
4. When it comes to sex, how much do you talk about it with others? How comfortable are you talking about sex?
Well, I talk about it here all the time, so I'd say A LOT. I'm pretty comfortable talking about sex.
5. What are the last 5 things you search for on Google (or another search engine)?
moorhens (for a kid), voles (again, for a kid), snoring, spider bite, Chrisette Michele
Bonus: Have you ever had a fantasy that you were ashamed of?
After the Sex
I haven't yet, but I will eventually put this in my blog. I know it's short, but I swear it's all just a daze (in a good way). I remember you saying something about me being "so willing"...what was that again? Beyond that, I have no clue. I kinda get caught up in the fact that I'm hearing your voice that the conversations end up a blur. (stop laughing at me)
I pulled into the parking lot and parked. I unbuttoned my jeans, laid back my seat, and slid my hand inside. My Sir was on the phone and he wanted to hear me cum.
"Rub that pussy," he said. "I hear about everything you do for everyone else, it's time you did something for me."
And, so I did. Sitting in the front seat of my SUV, I rubbed my clit and fingered my pussy all for my Sir's enjoyment. I imagined him there next to me, leading me into ecstasy. I could hear his voice in my ear guiding me, but I couldn't concentrate in his words. Occasionally between my moans and screams, I would hear him say, "cum for your Sir" and I did...over and over and over. Each time I came, he would say, "Don't stop. I didn't tell you you were through. Keep cumming. I want you to feel what it's like to cum for your Sir." I can't begin to say how many times I came. The orgasms came back to back again and again with mounting intensity until I could take it no more and finally I had to stop. I pulled my hand from inside my soaked panties, but the waves kept coming. Finally, they subsided and I buttoned my jeans.
"If you were here...," he said.
If I were there...
Thank you for my afternoon, Sir. I can't wait for the next time.
Drunk Sex

I'm really not in a writing mood today. I'm kinda bummed out. I went out for dinner and drinks with my cousin last night. Charles was supposed to meet us. I had spoken to him earlier in the day and he assured me that he would see me. I'm sure you already know where this is going. Yep, he was a no-show. I sent him a text a little after midnight. It said...It's been nice. Hit me up when you get your shit together. Now, that doesn't mean that I'll never see Charles again. I'll be here for him as a friend. We may even be fuck buddies one day, but I will no longer go out of my way to fit him into my life.
On a different note, I apparently had really great sex last night. I just wish I could remember it. I have never gotten so drink that I do not remember what happened...until last night. When I got home last night, Jay was on the computer. I climbed into his lap, laid my head on his shoulder and told him that I love him. He returned the sentiment. I remember nothing after that until approximately and hour and a half later (according to Jay). I was in my bed lying on my back with my head was towards the bottom of the bed and my feet on my pillows. The part of the covers that was under my shoulders was soaking wet (I had apparently cum A LOT prior to this.), so I shifted my position slightly. My hand was on my pussy and I was fiercely rubbing my clit. I also remember Jay turning me so that I was lying across the bed. With his head between my legs and my fingers playing, I came hard...and very loudly (as evidenced by Jay's need to cover my mouth so I wouldn't wake the kids). I have no idea what happened after that. I woke up around 10am. I scooched over in bed and cuddled up under Jay in that playful way that I do when I want some loving. He giggled and asked if I was still horny. I shook my head. You know we were going at it for hours, right? Uh, no. I then explained that I had very little memory of our time together. He laughed and supplied the details along with the assurance that he took a few photos.
Later in the day, Jay made this comment...It's good Charles didn't meet you last night. Then, he would have had all the fun instead of me. I t had to agree. It was definitely Charles's loss and Jay's gain and I have no complaints about that.
my Sir

Last week, I posted a picture of Charles, who refers to himself as 'My Baby'. So, today, I thought I'd let you have a peek at my Sir. Now, keep in mind, that I haven't even seen him in person. I do, however, possess numerous pictures of him. One of the first things that I noticed in his pictures was the intensity of his eyes. They seem to be staring into your soul (at least to me they do). I just love them.
That same one that doesn’t eat pussy but cums once and bounces,
Leaving you still wanting and needing
I am the one that will make you remember why you were born a woman...
~my Sir