You know what I don't understand? The whole idea that because you care about someone you can't see yourself hurting them even if that is what they want. I can tell Jay that I want him to be rough, but he's still not going to do it. He's afraid that he'll hurt me and just can't see himself doing that. Bullshit! So, instead there are times that I am left feeling unfulfilled. I just don't see how he can't understand that especially when I've told him that one of the things I really like about seeing Reginald is that he's rough with me at times.
That's my thought for today. I'm horny and I want someone to pull my hair, throw me against the wall, pull my clothes off, and take the pussy. I want to be spanked and choked and put to bed. I don't think that's a lot to ask, but apparently I'm wrong.

Touch the Darkness
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