I'm really not in a writing mood today. I'm kinda bummed out. I went out for dinner and drinks with my cousin last night. Charles was supposed to meet us. I had spoken to him earlier in the day and he assured me that he would see me. I'm sure you already know where this is going. Yep, he was a no-show. I sent him a text a little after midnight. It said...It's been nice. Hit me up when you get your shit together. Now, that doesn't mean that I'll never see Charles again. I'll be here for him as a friend. We may even be fuck buddies one day, but I will no longer go out of my way to fit him into my life.
On a different note, I apparently had really great sex last night. I just wish I could remember it. I have never gotten so drink that I do not remember what happened...until last night. When I got home last night, Jay was on the computer. I climbed into his lap, laid my head on his shoulder and told him that I love him. He returned the sentiment. I remember nothing after that until approximately and hour and a half later (according to Jay). I was in my bed lying on my back with my head was towards the bottom of the bed and my feet on my pillows. The part of the covers that was under my shoulders was soaking wet (I had apparently cum A LOT prior to this.), so I shifted my position slightly. My hand was on my pussy and I was fiercely rubbing my clit. I also remember Jay turning me so that I was lying across the bed. With his head between my legs and my fingers playing, I came hard...and very loudly (as evidenced by Jay's need to cover my mouth so I wouldn't wake the kids). I have no idea what happened after that. I woke up around 10am. I scooched over in bed and cuddled up under Jay in that playful way that I do when I want some loving. He giggled and asked if I was still horny. I shook my head. You know we were going at it for hours, right? Uh, no. I then explained that I had very little memory of our time together. He laughed and supplied the details along with the assurance that he took a few photos.
Later in the day, Jay made this comment...It's good Charles didn't meet you last night. Then, he would have had all the fun instead of me. I t had to agree. It was definitely Charles's loss and Jay's gain and I have no complaints about that.
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