
You Can't Handle the Truth

People want to hear the truth. They want to know how you really feel. They beg for you to give it to them straight. That is until you open your mouth and say something they don't like. Then suddenly you're mean or hurtful or unsympathetic or...well, you get the point.

I'm probably one of the most honest people you'll ever met. If you ask me a question, I'm going to answer. This usually works except when I'm in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with the person. They may say they want the truth but what they really want is for you to agree with them or to at most give them a light version of the truth. This really angers me because it leaves me having to sugar-coat my feelings or disregarding them all together so as not to hurt the other persons feelings. It's as unfair to me as it is to the other person. I feel bad for lying or depressed because my feelings aren't being heard and the other person has a false sense of reality.

I don't really have a solution to this issue, but I will leave you with this...If you don't want the truth, don't ask the question.

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