While I do not go about blabbing my sex life to everyone, I'm pretty much an open book, so I think I can safely say no. I've never done anything that I am ashamed of or regret having done. I may not tell a person's name, but for the most part if the subject of "what did you do" comes up, I'll share honestly. That being said, I do not share equally. How in-depth the information shared is depends on who I'm sharing it with.
2. Do you have a nonsexual secret you have never told anyone?
Only one, but it involves another person and could get them in trouble so I would probably never tell unless absolutely necessary.
3. Did you ever tell someone a secret only to have them spill it? What were the repercussions?
I don't really have secrets so spilling one would not be an issue. Though I can't think of a time that this has happened, I do have an issue with gossiping. It is one thing to tell information about me that is relevant to the conversation you're having. It is quite another to tell information just for the sake of telling what you know.
4. Did you ever spill a secret someone told you? What were the repercussions?
No...I may be an open book when it comes to my own life, but not with others.
5. Tell us a secret someone told you, however along ago, that you've never told. (You can disguise name or details)
Because I do not discriminate against married or involved men, I know about quite a few affairs. Of course,this is mainly because I've been directly involved in them. However, I always talk about these affairs with Jay, most times with a close cousin, and of course here in my blog. So, I would not consider them totally secret.
not really for most of what i do is put in the form of fiction. have a great weekend
Hey Sunshine...I found your comment over on my blog and am hoping you continued to read the entries that followed the one that you commented on. I'm not going private, so hopefully I will see you over there again!
Take care and I'll definitely be back here to check things out!
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