
I Love My Church

Have I said that before? Jay and I have been visiting this church since late August. I knew from day one that I really liked the church, but I've been hesitant to join. I knew if I joined, Jay would join, and since I wasn't so sure where we were headed I didn't want to make that commitment. Well, we went to see the pastor last week to tell her the good news about Jay's diagnosis (Yes, I consider it good news.) and to let her know that I was ready to join the church. Of course, Jay said that he was ready also. So, we will be joining the church on Easter Sunday. YAY!!!

Jay missed church yesterday. He had taken his medicine late and was still groggy. So, the kids and I went without him. Our church service is set up so that the kids are in the sanctuary during the beginning, but before the adult sermon, they have their own mini-sermon then go downstairs to play which means I would be sitting through most of the service alone. Before service started, I was talking to one of the members and I told her that I need to get boyfriend or girlfriend so that I can have someone to sit with me at church when Jay can't make it. She just laughed and not a fake laugh either. She knew I was serious and was perfectly okay with it. Thus, why I love my church.

Now, if I could just (1) convince Jay that a boyfriend is just as non-threatening as a girlfriend and (2) find a boyfriend or girlfriend. I met someone who may be a good fit, but it's way too early to tell.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

good to hear that

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u hiding

Sunshine K said...

LOL..no, I'm not hiding. I was having computer issues last week...kept losing my connection. So, I stayed off 'til the technician could come out and fix it. That was Friday. I was busy over the weekend, but I'm back now.