Today's HNT pic requires a back story.
My FWB, Reginald is an old junior high/high school friend. We reconnected last year and, in addition to massive amounts of texting, I would frequently send him naughty pics. Well, this has been the norm for over a year now. When the mood strikes, I whip out my phone and snap a quick pic to send to Reginald. Until recently...
As I've said, my mojo has been all out of whack. Added to that, I recently got a new cell phone. I REALLY like my phone. I would LOVE my phone if the camera on it had a flash. Let me explain...my phone has ALL the bells and whistles I could ever ask for and then some. The one thing it doesn't have? A FREAKIN' FLASH!!! (What dimwit forgot that?) So, needless to say, my pics come out dark unless I'm outside or somewhere with A LOT of light. Now, I'm all for getting naked outdoors or in the car, but that's not always possible since I usually have kids with me. Thus, I have not been taking or sending very many pics.
Anyway, today Reginald sent me a text asking if I was on a pic strike. I had to laugh because it had just occurred to me last night that it's been a while since I've sent him a pic. I explained that Jay is home more now so whipping out the digital camera to take pics for another man would not go over well regardless of how open we may be. I also explained my no-flash-on-the-camera-phone dilemma. I have to admit though that I miss sending him pics. It is as much of a turn-on for me as it is for him. I always imagine him getting them while in a meeting or conference and struggling to hide his reaction.
So, I set out immediately to rectify this issue. I snuck in the bathroom, pulled up my shirt and my bra and snapped a pic of "the girls". I sent it to Reginald along with a message that said, "The girls say hi."
And now, to you dear reader....The Girls say "Hi".

Be sure to check everyone else out and look for me on

Well, hello girls!
Stay a while.... :)
Lucky man... Lucky US! Hehe... :)
Yeah, those little LED "flashes" most phones have isn't much but... mine doesn't have one either and it's annoying.
Say hi to the girls for me, too, K.
Happy HNT,
Hi there! Lol.
Happy HNT!
Reginald is a lucky guy. Kiss the girls for me ;-) HHNT!
And hello to you too :-) Happy HNT.
Well HELLO there Sunshine!
the girls lol
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