Phone sex is HOT!
After the phone sex this morning, I am now hornier than I was before it happened. I knew that would be the result. I can go a while without sex, but once I cum, I crave it....my pussy throbs, I cum out of the blue (at a red light, walking through the grocery store, cooking dinner). So, I'm restless as hell right now., but I'll be okay. Did I mention this morning was HOT? LOL!!! My Sir's reactions to me were awesome. I'm all about pleasing the person I'm with. So, if I feel like they are enjoying the moment it's SO much better for me. And, I loved listening to him...talking to me, calling me his little girl and his bitch, encouraging me to cum over and over and over again, him cumming on his end. The words were all a blur afterwards, but the feeling was best thing in the world.
Jay asked me the other day if I had talked to Melanie lately. I told him no and at some point in the conversation he said that he didn't think I really like women. It kinda caught me off guard (just because I wasn't expecting him to say that), but I told him that I don't like women. They get on my nerves. I like to fuck them, but I have no desire to talk to them or form a friendship. As I was telling him this, it hit me how true that is. Every woman that I have ever been with has been someone Jay knew first. I like it that way. The only one that I've had any kind of friendship with was the girlfriend and I think that was only because I thought she would be around as part of the family. Anyway, I plan on calling Melanie tomorrow, just to keep the lines of communication open.
Jay changed his mind the other day and told me to go on and see Reginald. I declined....just figured it would cause way too many issue. He asked me today if PD and I were starting back up (because we were talking on the phone). I told him that I didn't think we were. His response was...I hope not. When I asked why, he said he didn't want to talk about it. So, I just let it go.
There's a lot I don't NEED
Reginald asked me to come over tomorrow. So, I asked Jay if that was okay. Of course, that led to a whole conversation about why I even need to go over there. Somewhere in there he threw in that he knows I have (physical) needs, so I should just go and if he couldn't deal with it, I would just have to understand. Then, he brought up how things used to be about us and now they're not. (The same argument I have been giving him since he first decided to start his relationship with his girlfriend a couple of years ago.) To top all of that off, he started talking about how I do stuff with Reginald that I don't do with him.
Okay, now I'm a little pissed. No, I do not NEED to go see Reginald. I do feel like I should because when I do want to see him, unless he's out of town, he sees me. Jay says that he has a lot on his mind and I'm just adding to his issues. I told him that he needs to be honest then and tell me that he doesn't want me to see anyone because, like I've always said, the whole back-and-forth gets on my damn nerves.
TMI Tuesday

Have you ever...
1. been married? yes
2. been divorced? been remarried? yes and yes
3. had sex at a wedding reception? no
4. had sex with someone you first met at a wedding or wedding reception? no
5. given a a toast to the bride and groom? no
It's funny that today's TMI questions are about marriage. My anniversary was this past Saturday. Jay and I have been married 11 years.
Since the questions were a little on the boring side, I thought I'd add a wedding dance video. Here ya go...
He just doesn't get it
TMI Tuesday

Have you ever...
1. had sex with someone ten years older or younger than you?
2. drawn from a nude model or been a nude model?
do photos count? if so, yes i have.
3. had sex at a company Christmas party?
4. had a blind date?
5. slept with a teacher?
a teacher, but not my own teacher
Bonus (as in optional): had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them?
Rough Sex
That's my thought for today. I'm horny and I want someone to pull my hair, throw me against the wall, pull my clothes off, and take the pussy. I want to be spanked and choked and put to bed. I don't think that's a lot to ask, but apparently I'm wrong.

Touch the Darkness
OK...Now, I'm Scared
my Sir: So cum
Me: I will later, but not the way I want to.
my Sir: And what way is that?
Me: I want it to be taken
my Sir: If I were there I would
Me: I know you would
my Sir: You deserve a good beatdown fuck
Me: What the heck is that?
my Sir: When I am in that mood, its a three-hole fuck
Me: Yep...I knew I should be scared. Though I've been there/done that, I envision it being on a whole other level with you.
my Sir: Imma make you sign a waiver...lol
Me: The thing is...I know you're serious and it scare the crap outta me, but I am so turned on right now.
my Sir: You need to be scared, LG. You have this thing going on where Jay, Charles, and Reginald let you run around willy nilly. They don't get it. You are the type of woman that responds to her hair being pulled and being owned sexually. You want to be respected but treated like a slut and owned like a whore.
Me: Well, Charles is gone, but yeah...I see your point. lol
my Sir: You know what I mean. You LOVE being a slut...it makes you feel good.
Me: You know me too well.
my Sir: You haven't properly been used Little Girl.
Me: I agree with you.
my Sir: I can see you at a party and being my personal sex toy...make you suck and fuck whomever I want.
Me: I have no issues being your sex toy as long as I get to have you as well.
my Sir: The first and last at the least
There really is nothing that I can add. The conversation says it all. He will be holding a swingers party later this year and I am SO hoping that I will be able to attend. The whole idea is scary, intriguing, and thoroughly exciting.
TMI Tuesday - Dating Edition

1. What was the last movie you saw on a date?
2. What was the last meal you had on a date?
Let's see...stuffed mushrooms. We stopped at a bar before coming home. I was hungry so I had an appetizer with my drinks.
3. When was the last time you made out in the car on a date? More?
Hmmm...I think the last time I made out in a car was with Charles but we weren't technically in the car. He met me for a quick bite one evening. He walked me to my truck. I was sitting inside and he was standing in the open door.
As for more...I'm pretty sure it was with Jay a few months ago.
4. When using dating websites, do you think you are more likely to find a "hook up" or a relationship? Relationship...although, it may mot be a full-blown "feelings" relationship. When I meet people, we typically become friends and stay that way even if we decide to not see one another anymore. Assuming Charles sticks with what he said about us not being friends, he would be the first guy that I've been with and had absolutely no contact with afterwards.
None at all
BONUS QUESTION: Do you believe in sex on the first date? Can a relationship bloom if you have sex on the first date?
I sure do!!! :)
Jay and I had sex on our first date so I'd have to say yes.